Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 79: Slackin' Snackin' Kraken

So this morning I sold a painting (YAY!) and I mentioned on twitter that since I did so, I guess that meant I could slack off the rest of the day. Friend Charles replied with "Release the slackin'!"

After I stopped laughing (it took a while), I just HAD to draw it.

Also, Charles is participating in INKtober, a month challenge of ink drawing over at his blog FrameAdvance and I highly recommend a look-see. The man is insanely talented!


Other Lisa said...


Jolee B. said...

Oh my goodness, I love this one!!

Keriann Greaney Martin said...

This is just too funny!

K. Marie Criddle said...

Thank you so much, guys! Feel free to release the slackin' with us. :D