Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 215: What is Light Urple

Drumroll....first video EVER! I wanted to do more but then the kiddo woke up and I ran out of film.


Adam Heine said...

So cool. I've said it many times, but I love to see artists mid-process.

On the other hand, this makes me covet Photoshop and tablets. It feels like cheating. All the things that are hard for me with physical mediums are so easy on the computer!

Queen 'Bina said...

Amazing! I love it. My husband wants to know if you're a "graphics artist" as well. Forgive my ignorance. I don't know what the difference is.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Marie. This is absolutely amazing! I am hooked. And now I want you to do this all.the.time. Shouldn't the world finally KNOW about Surly's drastic mood swings?!

Jolee B. said...

Whoa, this is very cool! Well done!

Charles Eubanks said...

Haha, like the nose Easter egg!

Sarah W said...

Amazing! I can't even draw a circle . . .

K. Marie Criddle said...

You guys are so awesome...thanks for the kind words!

And Adam, there are so many awesome things about the tablet/painter combo but the learning curve is steep and brutal...after 3 years of having this bad boy, I'm just NOW comfortable enough doing this. I'll run back to pen and paper any day! (Just kidding, I don't know how to non-digitally color things) (DON'T SUGGEST THAT AS AN ANTHDRAWLOGY TOPIC)

dance all day said...

whoa - super cool Aunt MArie! have fun on vacation :) love you and love your drawings :)