Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Surfing Fujicorn

One of the big projects I've been meaning to do this summer is paint my surfboard. However, I got a little nervous thinking about doing it because it would mean a) being without a board while it dries and b) AH WHAT IF IT SUCKS AHHH. Then I quit crying, put on my big girl boardshorts and just did it. Pretty pleased with the results! I still have a bit to clean up around the edges and my friend Nils is helping me put the shiny, watertight topcoat on later this week. But here it is!

Into watery battle, my steed!


Adam Heine said...

So. Awesome.

Charles Eubanks said...

That is WICKED!!! So well done!

Jolee B. said...

What?! You are freaking amazing! Well done!

Queen 'Bina said...

You wanna piant my surfboard next? Wait. I don't have a surfboard. Or surf. Hows about I learn a little surfing, buy a surfboard and send it on over for a little Marie Love? You down?

Peggy Eddleman said...

W-O-W! Incredible! You know how when you're a kid and you get new shoes and they make you run faster? With a brand-spankin' new paint job and fujicorn at your feet, you're totally going to stay up for longer now.