Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 144: The six step penny jig

 Everyone will gladly watch Hubert dance, but few join in.

P.S. Thanks for all the well wishes! Household is healthier today. :)


gbulson said...

This reminds me of Shel Silverstein illustrations.

Keriann Greaney Martin said...

Siamese twins! LOL, j/k

K. Marie Criddle said...

Preston was pretty disturbed when he saw this one: "How many legs are you gonna give him??"

gbulson said...

Preston is sensitive to these things, he doesn't tell alot of people this, but when we were young he had 4 legs. Then one day they fell off and two normal legs grew in their place. He left them under his pillow that night and got four dollars, but I think, deep down inside, he misses those extra legs.